Saturday, December 27, 2014

Johnny's Christmas Vacation Vlog

To wrap up the Christmas season, I thought it might be fun to record a bit of my trip back to LA.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Boxing a Christmas Mystery Gift

Hey Everybody!
I had to share the awesome Christmas gift I boxed up for Jimmy Arias to thank him for all his help on my channel.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Johnny Makes A Sausage Timbali

OK, so I somehow made a 39 minute video.
I certainly and sincerely do not expect anyone to sit through this, but at least skip to the last couple minutes to catch the finished product.
I'll be sure to prepare for quicker cuts next time, cause this is ginormous lol.

Mystery Christmas Box from Francisco Alvarez

Francisco Alvarez out of the blue sent me a mystery box for Christmas!!!
Make sure to check out his site:

Christmas Gift From Your GEEKY Neighbor

I got in a total surprise Christmas gift from Your GEEKY Neighbor!
Go check him out!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Secret Life of a YouTuber Tag

I was tagged by Pixie Willows to do the "Secret Life of a YouTuber" tag.

Go check out her channel:

Editors Note:
I hope Johnny knows I'm a YouTuber too.

Saturday Show and Tell

The shop I got the hat from was Inked Up Merch

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Mystery Box from Jimmy Arias

I got in an awesome Christmas mystery gift from Jimmy Arias!!

Go check out his internet stuffs:
YouTube: OneDreamStudios & JimmyisaGeek

Editors Note:
This might be the best package Johnny has ever received. 

-Jimmy Arias

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Show and Tell

Johnny Makes Gruyere Potato Gratin!

Hey Everybody! Some people have asked about cooking videos, so if you're interested this is definitely a tasty dish!

Johnny Makes Prime Rib!

Hey Everybody! Not sure if this will get any interest, but I figured I'd share with you the prime rib I made!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Don't Eat The Gum Unboxing

Be sure to check out Don't Eat The Gum

Absolutely Smashing Mystery Box from Alternative Mummy

Hey Everybody! 
This is an amazing mystery box from Alternative Mummy, and I am completely blown away! If you haven't checked out her channel you absolutely have to, her unboxings are some of my favorites!

Check Out Her Channel Here!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tubular Mystery Box from my Awesome Mom

The front runner in the "coolest mom in the world" contest, my mom, has sent me a mystery box!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Awesome Mystery Box from Renee Christine

Hey Everybody! 
I had sent out my Minecraft mouse pad to Renee Christine and she sent me an awesome mystery box to say thanks :)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Save Stickers, Make Magnets!

Hey Everybody!
I had a good number of folks asking that I show how I turn stickers into magnets, it's super easy so this video is super quick. haha

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday Show & Tell - Fight The Flu Edition!

Hey Everybody!
Forgive my rampant craziness as I get over the flu, but it is still that time for my show and tell. As I rambled off there were a number of links I mentioned, so check em out:
Giveaway on my Facebook Page
Chinook Crafts
Naked Zombie Girl
If so inclined, the Tellez Girls Group

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Awesome Mystery Package from Francisco Alvarez

One of my subscribers, Francisco Alvarez, sent me an awesome mystery package with one of the coolest freaking items ever!

Check out his site -

November Horror Block Unboxing (it's amazing)

Mind BLOWN, loving this months Horror Block!!!